
Medical Communication

AIrBrands Africa Ltd has positioned as a giant in health communication. We equip the public with the tools and knowledge to respond appropriately to health crises and disseminate health information to influence personal health choices and health literacy. We believe effective health communication must be tailored for the audience and the situation. Our research programs into health communication support health partners to refine health programming and strategies.

Our health communication strategies are specialized, unique and multi-info centered focusing on:

    • Availability: our content is delivered or placed where the audience can access it. Placement varies according to the audience, message complexity, and purpose, ranging from interpersonal and social networks to billboards and mass transit signs to prime-time TV or radio, to public kiosks (print or electronic), to the Internet.
    • Accuracy: we focus on valid content and without errors of fact, interpretation, or judgment.
    • Balance: Where appropriate, our content presents the benefits and risks of potential actions or recognizes different and valid perspectives on health issues.
    • Consistency: our content remains internally consistent over time and also is consistent with information from other sources.
    • Cultural Competence: we have a model design for implementation and evaluation process that accounts for special issues for select population groups (for example, ethnic, racial, and linguistic) and also educational levels, HIV/AIDS and disability.
    • Evidence-based: Relevant scientific evidence that has undergone comprehensive review and rigorous analysis to formulate practice guidelines is key in our process, performance measures, review criteria, and technology assessments for tele-health applications.
    • Reach: our content gets to or is available to the largest possible number of people in the target population.
    • Reliability: our source of the content is credible, research based and the content itself is kept up to date as.

AirBrands Africa – we help companies assess their skills and choose a new direction which utilizes the talents of the team and resources most productively.

how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

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Amanda Seyfried
Founder & CEO, Arcade Systems